eta's warehouse

warehouse inventory

who the hell are these people i might talk about?

eta (η) - me! you remember, the one made out of clay in the woods and all.

iota (ι) - my sister who was made out of playdough in a daycare and taken to be shined on by the sun until she hardened into a person.

eddie (ε) - basically rodrick heffley

delta (Δ) - my brother delta :-)

theta (Θ) - they stole theta from the early 2000s.

omega (Ω) -

sigma (σ) - i think they just made him in a lab.

south (⇣) -

carolina (❀) -

the director - you know i just don't like this guy.

how do you know all these people?

when they were making me out of clay they handed me a survey and when i completed it they gave me a list with all these people listed on it. my first mission and goal in life was to find all of them and make them attend my birthday party. sadly i forgot what day my birthday is so i cannot complete this task. now i just have them collected like special trinkets on a shelf. oh well! -η